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6 Steps to Start a Photography Business

How to turn your hobby into a full-time career
Photo of a photography business

Starting a business, of any kind, is not easy but going pro as photographer could be one of the biggest challenges of all these days. That’s why it’s always nice when successful pros are willing to share their tips with photographers who are considering making the leap to turning their hobby into a full-time career.

In the below video, Atlanta-based pro Evan Ranft gives you six steps to start a photography business.

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“6 Steps to Start a Photography Business” Comments

    In some industries this works. Clients think photography is easy and put little value on it. working for free just reinforces that. The next time they come to you with a project and you want to charge them, They will be indignant and go find another free photographer trying to get “foot in the door” You are better off working for yourself. developing your skills and presenting a body of work clients want to pay for.

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