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How to Mix Multiple Frame Rates In a Single Timeline

Filmmaking frame rates explained
frame rates video

Adjusting your camera’s frame rate while filming is one of the best ways to change the feeling of what you are capturing. It’s also the easiest way to control how motion is captured and will appear on screen. The three most popular frame rates are 23.98 fps, 29.97 fps and 59.94 fps, although its not uncommon for filmmakers to round up and refer to them as 24 fps, 30 fps and 60 fps. There are plenty of videos and blog posts dedicated to what frame rate is “best”—but ultimately each of them can serve a purpose—and there’s no reason you can’t mix multiple frame rates into a single project. 

In a new video Mark Bone explains how to successfully mix multiple frame rates in a single project and why you might want to use this technique. 

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