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Timeless Tips for Better Photo Composition

This instructional video from 1949 is an excellent refresher

Photography has changed substantially since 1949. It’s wild to consider just how much, especially with all the changes that have happened in the last decade alone. DSLR cameras are basically obsolete, tech advances inside smartphones have changed the way we think about photography, and the cost of film and film point and shoots has skyrocketed.

Although a lot has changed, the basics haven’t.  This 10-minute instructional video from 1949 offers a ton of compositional tips that are as relevant today as they were back then. The audio track in the background is a bit warped and the speaker’s voice is monotone, but it offers a very solid refresher on the concepts that are covered in basic photo classes. It also gives viewers a chance to check out some very cool old film photos that were taken by photo students at Iowa State College. Here’s some of our favorite old school tips regarding composition. 

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