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Choosing A Printer Or Print Lab

Desktop printers have never been better, and pro lab printing has never been easier

WhiteWall’s alternative print shapes are one option for printing “outside the box.”

Back in the analog era of photography, making a print required a choice: serious photographers could take a D.I.Y. darkroom approach or drop film for processing and printing at a local color lab. Color printing was technically possible in a home darkroom, but the equipment was cumbersome, cost-prohibitive and didn’t provide the same type of creative input as the black-and-white process. This is one of the most often overlooked benefits of the digital revolution: Photographers can not only handle color printing at home, but we can also get much more creative with that output. Instead of simply aiming for color accuracy (the analog standard), at-home inkjet printing now provides an unparalleled opportunity for quick and affordable experimentation—the type of trial and error that’s integral to the best creative expression.

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