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Are Expensive Cameras Really Worth It?

The Canon R3 is a great camera but is it the right camera for you?
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(Editor’s Note: Ryan Hill is a product specialist at Lensrentals.)

Last week, as part of my job duties at Lensrentals, I was able to spend a few days shooting with Canon’s new flagship camera, the Canon EOS R3. To get the obvious out of the way first, this camera is an incredible piece of technology.

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“Are Expensive Cameras Really Worth It?” Comments

  1. What if the complaint is one of complexity? Most modern digital cameras require so much menu-diving just to configure the camera that it wastes more time than necessary. Film cameras have the advantage of simplicity. I want to see a digital camera with film camera simplicity. One function per dial or button which doesn’t require a 200-page operator’s manual and multiple layers of menus.

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