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Sony A1 vs Nikon Z9: Which Is the Better Camera?

Watch this shootout of two of the best full-frame mirrorless cameras available today
Photo of Nikon Z9 vs Sony A1

One of the biggest camera questions many pros are considering these days is which camera to buy: the Sony A1 or the Nikon Z9? The reason why is these two full-frame models are Sony and Nikon’s latest flagship mirrorless cameras and they both have some amazing picture-taking firepower.

Of course, if you already own Sony or Nikon lenses, the choice might be simple. Just go with the camera brand that matches those lenses. But if you’re upgrading your mirrorless camera kit after many years using older DSLRs and don’t mind starting from scratch, the 50MP Sony A1 ($6498) and 45.7MP Nikon Z9 ($5496) would be about as good a place to start as any. (There’s a reason why we named them two of the top seven new cameras of 2021.)

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