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Four Tips For Portraits With On Camera Flash

Take your lighting to the next level

A full-featured TTL flash is one of the best tools you can have as a photographer. This simple accessory has the power to mimic studio lighting, freeze action, illuminate a nighttime session or control harsh midday sunlight. They’re also a great tool for creating interesting high-contrast portraits late at night. Portrait photographer Anita Sadowaska shares her tips for making the most of an on-camera flash during a late night portrait session with the Godox V1 Round Head flash. 

#1 Consider Backgrounds 

Using on camera flash without any lighting modifiers will produce hard light and lead to a dramatic portrait. Minimize the shadows that are being cast by that hard light by choosing your backgrounds carefully. For this shoot Sadowaska chose to place her subject very close to the background, first against some bright green foliage and later against the corner of the white house. In both cases the shadows that the model was casting were minimal because she was so close to the backdrop. 

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