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3 Top Tips for Better Swimwear Photos

Winter is the best time to sell more swimsuit images
Photo of a swimsuit model

Temperatures may be plunging as we head into winter (at least in parts of North America) but that’s no reason to stop thinking of ways to elevate your swimwear photography so you can make some sales. That’s the message of Anita Sadowska’s tutorial below where she shares three top tips on how to get your swimsuit photos to stand out above the competition.

Sadowska, who we featured in a popular interview from earlier this year, is a professional swimwear, fashion and portrait photographer based in Bali, Indonesia. Here’s a breakdown of her “top three tips to elevate your photography,” which she discusses and demonstrates in the video at the bottom of this post. (To see more of her photography tips, techniques, and advice, visit her YouTube channel.)

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