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New Beginnings

Editor’s Note: We’re proud to have veteran photographer and technology journalist Theano Nikitas helm our new “Workflow” column. Feel free to send suggestions or requests for what you’d like to see covered here—you can reach her on Twitter @TNikitas1_DPP or contact us at [email protected].

Most photographers have one or more favorite software programs on which they rely, not that there’s anything wrong with sticking with the tried and true or believing in the maxim that “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” But exploration and experimentation are part of what spurs creativity. To get you started, I’ve compiled a list of my favorites that are not Photoshop. Some of them, like Exposure X, can run as a plug-in, but most are standalone programs. In fact, some are replacements for Photoshop, boosted in popularity by the subscription-based model that’s out of the price range of some photographers. All of these programs are unique and provide best-in-class functionality.

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