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Make Your Portraits Pop With This Lightroom Trick

Use masks to make your portraits stand out

A flat looking portrait or lifestyle image tends to get ignored. Having an image that pops is important in securing photo clients and making sales. Thankfully it has never been easier to get those portraits to pop. In a new tutorial Anthony Morganti shares his tips on how he quickly makes his portraits stand out using Lightroom’s masking tools. Although Morganti uses an engagement photo for his demo, he notes that this technique works well for any sort of lifestyle image. 

#1 Shoot With a Wide Aperture

This technique works best if you are starting with a portrait where the subjects are clearly separated from the background. Morganti chose a portrait where he was shooting with his lenses aperture wide open. Doing so meant that his background is out of focus and his portrait subjects are able to stand out. He didn’t have a speed light at this particular shoot, which led to a final image that’s a bit flat looking. 

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