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Use a Color Calibration Tool for Perfect Colors at Every Photoshoot

The Datacolor SpyderCheckr makes it easy to capture accurate colors
color callibration

Capturing accurate color during a photoshoot regardless of lighting conditions is an incredibly important skill set for a professional photographer. It’s especially important when you’ve been hired by a client to capture images. A wedding client won’t want photos where their pristine white dress has an orange color cast. And a large brand will likely be turned off if your photos aren’t accurately capturing the colors of their products.

While programs like Photoshop and Lightroom make it possible to fix it in post, you will save yourself a lot of headache by using this pocket sized color calibration tool. While color calibrations tools have been around for a long time, they’ve seemingly become less popular with the rise of digital photography. Ultimately though having one in your tool kit can be incredibly helpful. 

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